Ineffable Bliss

Sharing expressions... reflections... explorations... mingling.. merging.. expanding... resting... Life... LOVE... HEART... radiating... everywhere...

"When the ocean comes to you as a lover... marry at once... quickly, for God's sake! Existence has no better gift. No amount of searching will find this..." Rumi

Thursday, January 18, 2007


"The Love of God, unutterable and perfect,
flows into a pure soul the way that light rushes into a transparent object.

The more Love that it finds, the more it gives itself;
so that, as we grow clear and open,
the more complete the joy of heaven is.

And the more souls who resonate together,
the greater the intensitiy of their Love,
and mirror-like, each soul reflects the other."


Dedicated to the pure soul of all beings...
for the purity of beingness is not a choice...
it is simply the Truth....