Ineffable Bliss

Sharing expressions... reflections... explorations... mingling.. merging.. expanding... resting... Life... LOVE... HEART... radiating... everywhere...

"When the ocean comes to you as a lover... marry at once... quickly, for God's sake! Existence has no better gift. No amount of searching will find this..." Rumi

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I love Christmas movies... especially the oldies...
White Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life, Holiday Affair,
Christmas in Conneticut... but my very favorite I finally saw last night...
A Christmas Carol... with Alastair Sim (1951)

After awakening from his tour of Christmas past, present, and future...
he is exclaiming the Joy of life, singing and dancing about his room...

"...I don't know anything... I never did know anything...
but now I know that I don't know anything....! "

(I Love that movie... I always cry!)

I hope everyone has been having a lovely Holiday...