Ineffable Bliss

Sharing expressions... reflections... explorations... mingling.. merging.. expanding... resting... Life... LOVE... HEART... radiating... everywhere...

"When the ocean comes to you as a lover... marry at once... quickly, for God's sake! Existence has no better gift. No amount of searching will find this..." Rumi

Monday, August 28, 2006

There is a deep sadness welling up inside…
It is before any story, before any rhyme…
It fills me as I watch…

Thoughts come that try to explain it…
and change it…. and make it into something else…
but it is before any story, before any rhyme…
and It fills me as I watch…

It makes my eyes wide and humbles me…
Touched to the very core…
Is this the same feeling that has been here before?

Sadness moves like a soft breeze gracing this Heart…
Touching to be touched…
Opening more and more… as she goes…
Make room for this gentle one,
Do not push her away…

Let her in... let her have you...
let her break you apart...
a deep beauty beyond understanding will rise....

She comes to us from before any story, before any rhyme
And fills us as we watch…

Send her a kiss... for she is kissing you...