Ineffable Bliss

Sharing expressions... reflections... explorations... mingling.. merging.. expanding... resting... Life... LOVE... HEART... radiating... everywhere...

"When the ocean comes to you as a lover... marry at once... quickly, for God's sake! Existence has no better gift. No amount of searching will find this..." Rumi

Friday, July 07, 2006

life has turned into energies... that is what the experience is...
energies forming silhouettes of almost shapes... flowing and merging...
varying in flavor and qualities of sensuality... sensitivities expand and contract...

energies that appear to be form... turn formless ...
energies that appear to conflict.. shift and merge... amazing...

the "who" that experiences this... seems to come and go...
the energies remain... amazing...

all is rising from the epicenter of the Heart...
rhythmic waves of contraction and expansion...
flowing constantly... from the Heart...

to NK Baba and Bubad