Ineffable Bliss

Sharing expressions... reflections... explorations... mingling.. merging.. expanding... resting... Life... LOVE... HEART... radiating... everywhere...

"When the ocean comes to you as a lover... marry at once... quickly, for God's sake! Existence has no better gift. No amount of searching will find this..." Rumi

Sunday, July 02, 2006

There is a Hole… where my Heart used to be… and it is HUGE!...
resting in the Heart… has resulted in no Heart at All…!
Just this Hole… and it has consumed me...

Emptiness… with Shakti pouring through…
fullness of clarity with dancing density expressed...

ahhhhhhh....! it’s a portal… to the Source of the Universe….

(hmmmmmm... Heart after all... in it's rawest form...
ahhh...! wHole Heart...!)