Ineffable Bliss

Sharing expressions... reflections... explorations... mingling.. merging.. expanding... resting... Life... LOVE... HEART... radiating... everywhere...

"When the ocean comes to you as a lover... marry at once... quickly, for God's sake! Existence has no better gift. No amount of searching will find this..." Rumi

Friday, June 30, 2006

Peaceful Warrior... great movie! Saw it last night... I read the book years ago and had forgotten what an impact it had on me back then! I remember reading and thinking wow... that is amazing... what is that? I had been on the "path" for years... but was still searching... and this brought something new to it that I could not wrap my mind around... I was inspired! I wanted to be a spiritual warrior... I so resonated with the whole thing... and as I look back, many things in my life started to shift right around that time!

There is a part in the movie where Soc is telling Dan that there is never "nothing going on..." (I think that was the way he said it) and Dan isn't understanding what he is saying.. so SOC does his thing and the next thing Dan knows... he is experiencing "everything" that is going on around him... It reminds me of something I heard in an Osho video once... a devotee was asking him what was going on because he was confused about something... and Osho said... "everything is going on... "

Everything is going on... all the time... rising and falling... in and of the nothingness... the Self... The Self get's to awaken to it's Self... in a zillion different ways... in every moment... it's always fresh and new... and as Dan says... "there are no ordinary moments..." thanks Dan Millman!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Wow... guess this is my coming out...! Never had a blog or website before... it's all Danji's fault... had to create a blog to post a comment! Then let it sit for a while... before it called me to fill in some blanks... (hmmmmm interesting concept...)

Anyway... I have no idea what will emerge with this... no intention... probably best! I have been enjoying the comments and exchanges of other bloggers... and look forward to more of the same... I bow to all the lovley fellow blogger spirits for their sharing, honesty and LOVE!

In the spirit of that LOVE!... and the Exploration of the Infinite... that never ends...!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm! blog - on...!