Ineffable Bliss

Sharing expressions... reflections... explorations... mingling.. merging.. expanding... resting... Life... LOVE... HEART... radiating... everywhere...

"When the ocean comes to you as a lover... marry at once... quickly, for God's sake! Existence has no better gift. No amount of searching will find this..." Rumi

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

(Ahhhh... the St.Lawrence... )

To All of my Dear Freinds...
I am off in the morning to a 10 day Meditation Retreat,
diving in...
exploring the inner realms... (yikes...! :)

I leave you with Danji's post from Monday...
I just love this one.. Thanks Dan...

"no matter how strange yer mind is actin',
ye can find a home in this empty space,
this silence behind yer thoughts.
It's always there.
It's who ye are.
Waitin' to be rediscovered."

Shivas Irons

9/18/06 posted by Dan @ 8:27 AM

Monday, September 18, 2006 excerpt from the post by Meredith and Akilesh, at Graceful Presence,

Exposure, going deeper ... 9/17

"With the leap into the here-now, into choiceless awareness,
we realize we already are love and radiating love,
we already are wakefulness and radiating wakefulness,
we already are harmonized spirit and matter,
and we radiate it, we already are being,
already are saturated in bliss,
already are this naked consciousness.

This! Only just this... this wakefulness radiating,
and it is this naked wakefulness that is transformative.
Being this radiance-that-is-awake,
that asks for nothing and doesn't want to change anything,
is the most transformative energy in the universe.
When we realize it, when we step out of the way
and let it express through us as it will,
we radiate - love, grace, freedom, authenticity, godliness;
we radiate the harmony of spirit and matter.
Exposure to this radiance may spark its emergence in another,
may inspire another to open her eyes and see the light shining there within her."


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Always remember:

The thieves of Peace
are thieves in an empty house
because only imagination suffers.

You are Peace,
That which remains Untouched.

~Papaji (H. W. L. Poonja)


Also... See Dan's post for today....! :)


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Total stillness of being comes when
all resistance to movement is absent.

When all resistance is absent,
there is complete stillness, an alive stillness,
a vital stillness which is pure movement
without resistance.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

An Invisible Bee

Look how desire has changed in you,
how light and colorless it is,
with the world growing new marvals
because of your changing.

Your soul
has become an invisible bee.
don't see it working, but there's
the full honeycomb!

Your body's height,
six feet or so, but your soul rises
through nine levels of sky.

A barrel
corked with earth and a raw wooden
spile keeps the oldest vineyard's wine

When I see you, it is not so
much your physical form, but the company
of two riders, your pure-fire devotion

....and your love of one who teaches you:
then the sun and moon on foot behind those...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Can you feel it…?

Are you smiling with out reason...

Does everything appear to be
like clouds in the air...

Does your skin tingle with the
sensation of the moment…

Can you taste the sweetness of
Gods breath in your Heart…?

It’s the Universe kissing us… from the inside out…

Saturday, September 09, 2006

If one's true Self is known,
then there is neither birth nor death,
but eternal Being, Conciousness, Bliss...

~Ramana Maharshi, Upadesa Saram #28

Friday, September 08, 2006

Everything is a spark of that eternal radiance.

Why flee from the world in order to find it,
when you yourself are already on fire?


Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Subject tonight is Love

And for tomorrow night as well...

As a matter of fact, I know of no better topic

for us to discuss until we all die...


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

" simple religion is
Respect for others...
and Honesty..."

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

so beautifully simple...

(I took this photo this summer, visiting where I grew up.
This is "my" St.Lawrence River or so I thought when I was 5! ...)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Taste of Morning

Time's knife slides the sheath,
as a fish from where it swims.

Being closer and closer is the desire
of the body. Don't wish union!

There's a closeness beyond that.
Why would God want a second God?

Fall in love in such a way that is frees you
from any connecting.

Love is the soul's
light, the taste of the morning...
no me, no we, no claim of being.

These words are the smoke the fire
gives off as it absolves its defects,
as eyes in silence,
tears, face.

Love cannot be said.


Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Calling
a poem by Adyashanti

I heard You call,
answered and became the calling...

I thought I wanted love
but instead became the loving...

How was I to know
that desire awakens and
becomes the desired?